GCSE Geography H/W booklet:
Year 11: Coasts
homework booklet’s for GCSE Geography units has been designed to improve your
exam technique. It has been proven by researchers that consistent effort on
good structured homework’s will on average increase a students level (that’s
you!) by a whole grade. That could be the difference between a D to a C or A an
to an A*!!
booklet for each unit will contain 1 H/W’s a week:
Student Signature
Teacher Signature
1) Coastal
2) Coastal
3) Holderness
Features &
4) Coastal
5) Holderness
6) Revision of
If you finish a
homework within 25min’s then extend your knowledge: - Search for an article on that topic at www.nationalgeographic.com - Revise the topic at www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography
following guidelines will help you not only in your homework but in your exam
This means a 1 word or number answer. The answer is
often on the paper found by looking at a graph or a picture the same as in the
You have to state 1 thing for each available mark.
So a 2 mark question – state 2 things, a 3 mark question 3 things, and so on…
This means say what something looks like or what
pattern there is or maybe where things are, again the answer is often on the
paper found by looking at a graph or a picture the same as in the exam.
You have to look at how many marks are available
first because for every mark you must describe 1 thing, so if a question is for
4 marks you will have to describe 4 relevant things.
This means you must create a picture of what it is
asking about. The best diagrams are not only labelled but ‘annotated’ with some
Same as before every 1 thing you draw or annotate
gets you 1 mark so a 5 mark question needs 5 things drawn or annotated or a
mixture of both.
This means ‘give reasons why’ so they are expecting
you to use the word ‘because’… You need to make a point and then explain why it
is happening.
The marks here are a bit different as you get 1
mark for each point and a mark for each reason why. A 4 mark question needs 2
points and a reason to go with each. If you only give 4 points you can get a
max or 2 marks. 1 point and loads of reasons also only gets you 2 marks!
a case study: These are the big 8 mark questions!
You must have revised really well for these as they need to have a great
paragraph answering the exact question with evidence. This means that if make a
point you don’t only explain or describe it but need to give evidence. (Like in
your PEE paragraphs) such as ‘number of deaths or amount of people etc.
Week 1: Homework 1: Coastal processes: stating and describing questions.

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1) State which
direction the prevailing wind and fetch is moving in fig 1. (1 mark)
State which process has created the spit in fig 1. (1 mark)
Which coastal feature will be created by erosion in figure 2. (1 mark)
State 4 types of erosion that could occur at the coastline in figure 2.
Describe how the process shown in figure 1 works (4 marks)
Week 2: Homework 2: Coastal
features: Draw a labelled diagram.
Draw a labelled diagram of the process when a crack
eventually becomes a stump. (6 marks)

Draw a labelled
diagram of how a spit is formed. (6 marks)

Week 3: Homework 3: Stretch of coast: Case study question.
Case study: Coastal features. (8 marks)
i) Name an area of coast line you have studied.
ii) Describe and explain how 2 named features along
this coastline were formed.
Week 4: Homework 4: Coastal protection methods: Photo analysis.

1) Name the main
form of coastal defence in this image. (1 mark)
3) State what the main type of coastal processes is
that is causing the people of this village problems. ( 1 mark)
3) Describe how this photograph shows that this
form of defence is working. (2 marks)
4) State 2 other forms of coastal defence that
could help protect this are and explain how they work. (4 marks)
Week 5:
Week 5:
LESSON 13: Homework 5: Coastal management: Case
study question.
Case study:
coastal management (8 marks)
Name an area of
Describe how the
coast is protected from erosion. To what extent are these methods sustainable?
Week 6: Homework 6: Revision of unit.
TOPIC: Coasts
Key words:
Confused? Write questions to your teacher here:
Coastal Features:
Feature 1:
Feature 2:
Feature 3:
Coastal Management: