
Saturday 25 August 2018

6 tested remedies to reduce belly fat

6 tested remedies to reduce belly fat

     In modern times, men are especially upset with their belly which not only distorts  the beauty of their body, but also causes a number of diseases.

The way the belly fat does not grow over night in the same way, it can not be erased immediately so it is better to try to reduce it through exercise and other natural methods that are very difficult.

🛴 Exercise 🛴

For those who are less likely to have physical hard work in life, must compensate it by developing as routine to walk for 40 minutes in the morning or evening. The results of brisk walking are instantly visible.On the other hand, they try to walk in office or at workplace  so that there is some movement  in life. Remember another alarming fact that sitting constantly reduces life and it has been proven by many references.

Stay away from white sugar

There is a lot of research on the side effects of sugar. It is still considered as a major cause of obesity. Glucose and fructose present in sugar are simple carbohydrates. Their abundance changes into Glycogen and begins to accumulate in form of fat and increases fat. Use jaggery instead of it or you should minimize use of sugar at first stage.

🥚 Use of protein in food 🥚

The protein is a major component of our diet, and one of its number of benefits is that it easily reduces the stubborn fat. Protein always give a sensation of  stomach fullness and you do not have to eat gain and again. For this you can use yogurt, egg, cheese and white meat (chicken and fish).

Benefits of green tea

The benefits of green tea
are discovered frequently. Green tea helps to eliminate fat. There is a type of anti-oxidants and natural phenol that is called Katee Chan, which accelerates metabolism, which dissolves fat inside the body quickly. If  exercise is done after taking green tea, it will have double advantage.

Fiber diet

Add fiber  to your usual routine diet. Fiber does good for digestive system, makes food a part of body, reduces cholesterol and prevents growth of fat in body. Fiber is found in whole grain and the wheat porridge is also a type of fiber. So keep using fiber for whole life.

🥛 Lukewarm water

These days lukewarm water is in vogue  as it is a common routine for Chinese and Japanese civilizations to use hot water for centuries. The hot water cleanses the blood veins and cleanses toxic material from the body. The biggest advantage of it is that hot water helps a lot in melting fat in the body, which has dramatic effects.

If you follow these things, its positive results will start soon.

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