Eat prunes... be healthy
Prunes are a cool gift of summer. As Ramadhan is round the corner, its utility increases even more. In summer if you have eaten things which have a hot effect or you have eaten hot and dried foods, the albumin of dried prunes or juice of fresh prunes is very beneficial for itching caused by the dryness and heat of different foods ,yellow bile and heat of blood
The fruit that has a cold effect is originally sour but when it ripens and its colour gets blackened, it becomes sweet. Its plants are found in plenty in Kashmir 'Himalayas, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, whereas its true house is Damascus
It also strengthens liver by treating the heat of the liver. It enhances energy, strength and it also gives a feeling of pleasure to body. Chewing prune leaves strengthens gums and drinking its juice is beneficial for worm guts. The unripe prunes cause constipation and are useful in diabetes. Its color is reddish black and yellow. Its taste is sweet when ripens and sour when it is unripe. Its temper is cold first grade and wet second grade Its amount is up to 10 to 30 per serving .
Its advantages are following:
♦It softens the mood and satisfies thirst.
♦ It reduces blood pressure, therefore it is useful for blood pressure patients
♦ It is extremely useful in vomiting
♦ Prunes are useful for headaches caused by heat.
♦ It cures wounds quickly
♦ If the paste of prune leaves is applied below navel, the intestinal insects are removed.
♦ To prevent flu, it is useful to gargle with liquor of prune leaves
♦ Prune marmalades is exhilarating and aperitive.
♦ If you eat ten pieces of prunes before sleeping at night In the morning, it will be easy to pass stool.
♦ Eating prunes continuously is extremely useful for treating itching.
♦ The use of prunes does not harm in cough.
♦It removes mouth and throat dryness.
♦ Vitamin A, B, P and C. are found in sufficient amount.
♦ This is the best diet for those engaged in mental work.
♦ It removes foot burn.
♦ This is the best fruit for those with irritable mood.
♦ The use of prunes is the best in hypersomnia.
♦ In case of jaundice, take 250 gram prunes, ,make powder of white cumin seeds and Pakhara( in equal quantity), eat 2 masha of this powder with above mentioned amount of prunes three times a day.It will be very useful.
In case of skin diseases, it is useful to take jujube syrup one time daily along with eating prunes.
♦ Its use is beneficial in order to avoid stones developing in bladder. Sometimes stones are discharged after melting because of its use. But the condition is that daily use of prunes should be routine in its season. In case of out of season, the dried prunes can be used after soaking them.
♦ Prune sauce is very useful. It is digestive and tasty. Prune sauce recipe is׃
Dried prunes half kilo, one kilogram of sugar, lime juice 250 grams, raisin 250 grams, dried dates 250 grams, mint half kilo, 5 big cardamom ,( coconut, almonds, small cardamom, black pepper, ginger, red chilli powder, and salt five tola each).
Wash the prunes and soak them. In the morning grind it well after mashing it.Make paste of ginger and mint .Boil prunes with this sauce. Add raisin and chopped dried dates .After three or four boils, put it down from stove , mix all other ingredients in it. The sauce is ready.
♦ Prunes syrup is also prepared with dried prunes ,rose water and sugar.It is useful in constipation, heat, itching and high blood pressure. Additionally it also benefits in jaundice, dominant thirst and headache.
♦ In case of sore throat and vomiting, it is useful to drink one tola of prune juice after heating it.
♦ To eliminate yellow bile, take fifteen prunes, soak them at night. In the morning mash them, stain them and after mixing sugar in them, use them for a few days. It will be useful.
♦ If the kidneys are in pain and there is problem in urination the use of prunes is very effective.
♦ Prunes are very useful in case of blood cancer and the cancer which is at early stage gets cured. For this reason, use sour prunes
♦ Patients of diabetes can also get benefit by using sour prunes
♦ Prunes improve vision and break stones that are found in kidney and bladder.
♦In case of lack of hunger, brain dryness, gas and stomach pain, take 7 prunes, 3 tola tamarind , soak them in liquor of fennel seeds at night .In the morning mash them properly, stain them and after mixing salt, It is useful to eat it for three days.
♦ In case of stones in bladder, eating prunes continuously and drinking 10 tola of Arqe Kasni and Arqe Kalo two or three times a day is useful. Full recovery takes a few days (three weeks), Dried prunes can also be used.
♦ Cold tempered people and those having nervous pain as well as those who are suffering from loose motion, should not eat prunes at all.
Saturday, 25 August 2018
Eat prunes... be healthy
6 tested remedies to reduce belly fat
6 tested remedies to reduce belly fat
In modern times, men are especially upset with their belly which not only distorts the beauty of their body, but also causes a number of diseases.
The way the belly fat does not grow over night in the same way, it can not be erased immediately so it is better to try to reduce it through exercise and other natural methods that are very difficult.
🛴 Exercise 🛴
For those who are less likely to have physical hard work in life, must compensate it by developing as routine to walk for 40 minutes in the morning or evening. The results of brisk walking are instantly visible.On the other hand, they try to walk in office or at workplace so that there is some movement in life. Remember another alarming fact that sitting constantly reduces life and it has been proven by many references.
Stay away from white sugar
There is a lot of research on the side effects of sugar. It is still considered as a major cause of obesity. Glucose and fructose present in sugar are simple carbohydrates. Their abundance changes into Glycogen and begins to accumulate in form of fat and increases fat. Use jaggery instead of it or you should minimize use of sugar at first stage.
🥚 Use of protein in food 🥚
The protein is a major component of our diet, and one of its number of benefits is that it easily reduces the stubborn fat. Protein always give a sensation of stomach fullness and you do not have to eat gain and again. For this you can use yogurt, egg, cheese and white meat (chicken and fish).
Benefits of green tea
The benefits of green tea
are discovered frequently. Green tea helps to eliminate fat. There is a type of anti-oxidants and natural phenol that is called Katee Chan, which accelerates metabolism, which dissolves fat inside the body quickly. If exercise is done after taking green tea, it will have double advantage.
Fiber diet
Add fiber to your usual routine diet. Fiber does good for digestive system, makes food a part of body, reduces cholesterol and prevents growth of fat in body. Fiber is found in whole grain and the wheat porridge is also a type of fiber. So keep using fiber for whole life.
🥛 Lukewarm water
These days lukewarm water is in vogue as it is a common routine for Chinese and Japanese civilizations to use hot water for centuries. The hot water cleanses the blood veins and cleanses toxic material from the body. The biggest advantage of it is that hot water helps a lot in melting fat in the body, which has dramatic effects.
If you follow these things, its positive results will start soon.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Give a dua rather than saying Thank you
Saturday, 10 March 2018
Tuesday, 16 January 2018
Nehru Report
Jinnah's 14 points
The Fourteen Points
The form of the future constitution should be federal with the residuary powers rested in the provinces.
2. Provincial Autonomy
A uniform measure of autonomy shall be granted to all provinces.
3. Representation of Minorities
All legislative in the country and other elected bodies shall be constituted on the definite principles of adequate and effective representation of minorities in every province without reducing the majority in any province to a minority or even equality.
4. Number of Muslim Representative
In the central legislative, Muslims representative shall be not less than one-third.
5. Separate Electorates
The representative of communal groups shall continue to be by means of separate electorates as at present provided it shall be open to any community, at any time to abandon its separate electorate in favor of joint electorate.
6. Muslim Majority Provinces
Any territorial re-distribution that might at any time be necessary shall not in any way, affect the Muslim majority in Punjab, Bengal, and N.W.F.P.
7. Religious Liberty
Full religious Liberty, liberty of belief, worship and observance, association and education shall be guaranteed to all the communication.
8. Three-Fourth Representation
No bill or resolution shall be passed in any legislative or any other elected body if three-fourths of the members of any community in that particular body oppose such a bill.
9. Separation of Sindh
Sindh should be separated from Bombay Presidency.
10. Introduction of Reforms in N.W.F.P and Baluchistan
Reforms should be introduced in the North-West Frontier Province and Baluchistan on the same footing as in other provinces.
11. Government Services
Muslims should be given adequate share along with other Indians in the services of State.
12. Protection of Muslim's culture and Language
The constitution should embody adequate safeguard for the protection of Muslim culture, language, religion, and civilization.
13. One-Third Muslim Ministers
No cabinet, either central or provincial be formed.Without being a proportion of at least one-third Muslim Ministers.
14. Constitution
No change shall be made in the constitution of the state except with the concurrence of State constituting the Indian Federation.
Saturday, 13 January 2018
🔹 There were two kinds of forces on earth from the very beginning of time ; Hizbullah and Hizbul shaitan. Allah(swt) warns us about shaitan and also taught us on how to protect ourselves from the evil forces.
🔹 The plot of shaitan is very weak and will have no effect on us, if we seek the protection of Allah(swt).
🔹 Adam(AS) and Hawwa had twenty twins(a boy and a girl) out of twenty births. All of them possessed different characteristics.
🔹 Adam(AS) taught them thawheed, story of his creation, how the shaitan cheated them and how to protect oneself from shaitan.
🔹 The first twins of Adam(AS) were Qabil(not so good looking) and his sister(good looking). The second twins were Habil(handsome) and his sister(not so good looking).
🔹 Allah(swt) instructed Adam(AS) that Habil should marry Qabil's sister and Qabil should marry Habil's sister. But Qabil did not consent and wanted to marry his own beautiful sister and this led to the dispute between them.
🔹 Allah(swt) commanded that each son was to offer a sacrifice. His(swt) judgement would favor the son whose offer was the most acceptable.
🔹 Qabil offered his worst but Habil offered his best livestock. Allah(swt) accepted Habil’s sacrifice, so Qabil became enraged, threatening to kill his brother.
🔹 Habil advised his brother that Allah(swt) would accept the charity of those who are fearful of Him(swt). He also told Qabil, that he will not harm him even if he is harmed by him, as he fears Allah(swt).
🔹 Overcome by his arrogance, Qabil hit his brother and killed him. Then he became regretful of what he did. Allah(swt) taught him how to bury the body of his dead brother through a crow.
🔹 Not withstanding the guilt of murder, Qabil left his father and went far away.
🌟🌟 *ADAM’S(AS) DEATH* 🌟🌟
🔹 Adam(AS) continued to teach his progeny about Islam and reminded them about the evil plans of shaithan. As years passed the offspring of Adam(AS) spread out across the globe.
🔹 Some of the children of Adam(AS) continued in their father’s way, by teaching others about Islam, like Sheeth(AS).
🔹 Adam(AS) fell ill and one day the Angel of death approached him. When Adam(AS) reminded him that he had 40 more years left to live on earth, he(AS) was reminded that he gave those years to Dawood(AS).
🔹 Adam(AS) told his children that Allah(swt) would continue sending guidance to them through Prophets, who would be with unique names, traits and miracles, but they would all call to the same thing; Thawheed.
🔹 Adam(AS) passed away happily as he(AS) knew that he is going back to his Creator and will be free of all the miseries of this world.
🔹 The Angels shrouded the body of Adam(AS) and buried him and they led the Salat-al-Janazah. Then the Angels informed the children of Adam(AS) to follow the same procedure to bury anyone who dies.
🔹 Qur’an mentions the name of 25 Prophets. Some narrations mention that Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) had given a rough figure about the number of Prophets as 1,24,000.
🔹 Allah(swt) tells Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) in the Qur’an that, “And We sent some Messengers whom We have already mentioned to you(ﷺ) and some Messengers whom We have not "
💠 Learning the "Stories of Prophets" should rekindle our relationship with Allah(swt).
💠 Allah(swt) is the owner of Honor and Dignity and if He(swt) wills, He raises us in status and if He wills, He takes away our status. So don’t displease Allah(swt) for the sake of pleasing people.
💠 The impact of Qur’an should not stop with pleasing our ears but it should go further down into our heart and make a difference.
💠 Seek protection from Allah(swt) every morning and evening. ( Recite 3 times the following - Surah Al Mu’minun : verses 97-98; ayatul kursi; and Al-Mu'awwidhatayn{last two surahs} )
💠 It is the Sunnah of all the Prophets of Allah(swt), that they always reminded their children to stick to the right path. We should follow this Sunnah.
💠 If Allah(swt) decided to take a person away, that should be the best thing for that person at that time and we should never ever question the Decree of Allah(swt).
بارك الله فى علمك و عملك
Jism e insani ka ilaaj
💉Jism e insani ka ilaaj💉
🍶ilaaj kay treeqay🍶
✨1-Pehli qism : Is may koi shakhs kisi tabib kay mashwarey ka mohtaaj nahi.
🔸Allah SWT ney insaan aur hewaan dono may baaz cheezen fitri rakh di hein jesey bhook ka ilaaj kha kr,piyaas ka ilaaj pee kr, thakan ka ilaaj araam kr kay kia jata hai yani in sub ka ilaaj in kay mutazaad ( yani opposites ) kay sath kia jata hai.
✨2-Doosri qism : Jo ghor o fikr aur samajh ki mohtaj hai yani khud ilaaj mumkin nahi totkay aur tadbeeren koi faida nahi dey rahein.
🔸Aesi surat may kisi hakeem ya mu'alij say rabtah krna ho ga.
🍶Bimaari anay ki Wujuhaat 🍶
✨Jism kay haquq puray na krna ya be-aetadali.
🔸Be-aetadali sardi, garmi,khushki aur nami ki wajah se peda ho skti hai.
🍚Aetadal may laney kay liye🍚
✨Her kaam ko waqt per karna.
✨Khanay, pinay,sonay jagnay ki routine ko darust karna.
✨Hamara jigar raat 11 baje say subh 3 baje tak so jata hai, lihaza in oqaat may khanay say parhez krna.
✨Mahir tabeeb say raju krna jo bimaari ka ilaaj ker sakay.
🔸Apni khoraak may dhoodh ko shamil krna bhi
bohat zaruri hai.
🍶Tareeqa e ilaaj🍶
✨Sunnat e Rasool (S.A.W.W) yh thi kay Ap (S.A.W.W) khud ilaaj krtey aur dosron ko ilaaj ki hidayat farmatey.
✨Ap (S.A.W.W) nay aur Sahaba e Kraam nay kabhi murakkab dawaaen (compound medicine) istimaal nahi kein.
🔸Murakkab dawaon ki surat may, jism , jo ghizayat qudarti tariqay say pohancha raha hai wo kaam krna chor deta ha kiyun kay is tarah usko baney bnaye ajza milna shuru ho jatey hein.
🍶Sunnat tareeqa e ilaaj🍶
✨1-Mufridaat (single remedy treatment) say ilaaj hai.Yani aik waqt may aik dawa ya mukhtalif dawaen alag waqt may khana.
✨Khaney may sadgi ikhtiyar krna.
🍚Her bimaari ka ilaaj🍚
✨ Hadees (mafhoom) hai "Her bimaari ka ilaaj mojud hai. Jb dawa ka istimaal bimaari kay mutabik kia jaye to Allah kay hukum say shifa ho jati ha."
✨Hadees (mafhoom) hai."Allah ta'llah nay jb koi bimaari peda fermayi to uski shifa aur dawa bhi sath naazil farmayi"
✨Yeh ahadees hamein mayusi say nikalti hein kay Aids,Hepatitis,aur Cancer jesi bimaariyon ka ilaaj mojud hai.
✨Is baat ka yaqeen aa jana chahye Kay dawa mojud hai agarchy hum us say laa ilm hon aur shifa bhi mojud hai.
✨Sirf burhapa laa ilaaj hai.
✨Abu Khuzamah (R.A) say marvi ha kay may ney Rasool Allah (S.A.W.W) say arz kia kay ap kay samnay hai, hum jhaar phoonk krtey hein aur dawaon ka istimaal krtey hein aur parhez krtey hein jin say nafa hota hai, to kia taqdeer e ilaahi say iski mukhalifat to nahi hoti? Ap(S.A.W.W) nay farmaya: "yeh bhi to taqdeer e ilaahi hai kay yeh saari cheezen apna asar rakhti hein."
🔸Yani saari cheezen Allah k hukum say apni taasir rakhti hein".
🍶Maiday kay ilaaj ka masnoon tareeqa🍶
✨Hadees kay mutabiq agar pait bharnay ka hi khayal hai aur us say faraar nahi to aik tihai khana,aik tihai paani,aur aik tihai hifazat e nafs (yani khali pait) kay liye rakhay .
✨Khanay ki ziad'ti hmaari rohaani aur jismaani qu'aton ko kamzor kr deti hai.